
Tuesday, April 30, 2013

Review: Ill-Fated by Evelyn Ink

“The stars have aligned to make my life grim and loathsome,” fourteen year old Leila Edgewick stands on the brink of disaster, balancing the fate of Bainland and her father’s legacy against a vague, ill-fated prophecy. A meaningless number, a luckless red moon, and worst of all– a star that falls south– send Leila on a quest she does not expect to survive.
Simultaneously, an unknown boy wakes up in the sunken hull of a decrepit cargo ship. Captured and mind-locked, the boy– dubbed “Sam” by the ship’s crew– must escape the infamous Bonesplitter and the dark schemes of one Captain Erastacus Oren.
All the while, Leila journeys out of Bainland. Crossing the wall for the first time in her life, she finds a world where magic meets machine. Aeroskiffs, daguerreotypes, and automatons merge with the ‘earthdolven’ magic of the South, leaving her to question what is sorcery and what is science?
When Leila and Sam’s paths cross, fate ties them together and sends them deep into the Ramble in search of the Wasteland Witches and a healer named Atara Valatrix. Plagued by Sam’s erratic memory and Leila’s dubious rationale, they must outwit the southland drudge-hunters, and take on the dangers of the Ramble; sandwolves, bloodswamps, and the Kartivaus– the strange night creatures from the Shadowland.
The Wasteland Witches, the Kartivaus, a bloody family history, and a deranged Grandfather add up to a wicked mess of clues to detangle. Even worse, as Leila’s quest unravels, Sam’s past is pieced together, and Leila must face up to a family history that could rip their friendship apart

My Review:

I thought that Ill-Fated was an absolutely brilliant novel, and I would highly recommend it to just about anyone. Although it may be a little slow at the beginning, I found that the story picks up very quickly, and I became immensely immersed in the reading.

Both Leila and Sam are wonderful characters. Leila is strong, smart and funny, and makes for an excellent heroine. Sam, even with his memory lapses, proves to be a charming and clever character that you cannot help but love. Put the two of them together, and there is an unstoppable protagonist team.  

Ill-Fated transports you into a world of magic and monsters, machinery and ships, prophecies and monarchy, that you will not be able to get enough of. Beautifully written, the novel captures your attention and refuses to let it go as you join the characters on their wild quest.

I especially liked the description that revolved around Sam's memory block. I thought that the mystery and intrigue that arose from his scrambled mind offered a great way to introduce the character, and add greatly to the plot. The "sappings" included some of my favorite quotes throughout the novel. The more that Sam was introduced throughout the story, the more that I liked him as a character.

If I have to complain about anything, the resolution of the story did happen a bit quickly. I think that I had grew so attached to the novel, that the ending seemed to come with little warning. Although it still worked over all, I think more could have been added. Needless to say, I would definitely not be opposed to reading more about Sam and Leila in the future!

If you are looking for a great fantasy read with action, witty dialogue, and a plot and characters that will keep you begging for more, Ill-Fated is a stunning find.

Monday, April 29, 2013

Book Shoutout! - Charmed Vengeance! by Suzanne Lazear

Recently I have been introduced to a really awesome series called the Aether Chronicles. The series manages to intertwine faeries and steampunk. How awesome is that?


Anyway, the first book of the series is Innocent Darkness. Let's take a look at the gorgeous cover, shall we?

Innocent Darkness is currently available, so definitely go out and get it if you have not already.

But, I am here to tell you about the sequel to this book, Charmed Vengeance, which is currently available for pre-order on Barnes and Noble! (Squeee!)

Link to Pre-Order! Click! Click! Click!

Want to see that stunning cover? I bet you do!

So, check out Innocent Darkness and then pre-order Charmed Vengeance! Then, make sure you spread the word on how awesome it is, so we can make sure the books will continue to be available through Barnes and Noble!

Until next time,


Review: Rebel Heart (Dustlands, #2) by Moira Young

It seemed so simple: Defeat the Tonton, rescue her kidnapped brother, Lugh, and then order would be restored to Saba’s world. Simplicity, however, has proved to be elusive. Now, Saba and her family travel west, headed for a better life and a longed-for reunion with Jack. But the fight for Lugh’s freedom has unleashed a new power in the dust lands, and a formidable new enemy is on the rise.

What is the truth about Jack? And how far will Saba go to get what she wants? In this much-anticipated follow-up to the riveting Blood Red Road, a fierce heroine finds herself at the crossroads of danger and destiny, betrayal and passion.

My Review:

For those who are new to the series, Blood Red Road follows the story of Saba, a strong and clever girl who has to rescue her twin brother, Lugh, with the help of her younger sister, Em, and the sexy bad-boy, Jack. (Seriously. Are all sexy bad-boys in Dystopian/Apocalyptic novels named Jack? Or are all fictional characters named Jack sexy bad-boys?) Although that is just the most basic logline and does not give much justice to the novel, Rebel Heart continues Saga's story, and will keep you on the edge of your seat, dying for more.

From the very beginning, Rebel Heart is an attention-grabber, and it is the kind of novel that keeps you reading, even if it is way past your bedtime or you should be studying. In no way will Rebel Heart be a disappointment to Dustlands fans.

Although it would have been nice to see more Jack in the novel, (I understand why we didn't, and it works for the better.) the characters we do see only continue to amaze.

Saba is a wonderful protagonist. She is fierce, entertaining, and has an excellent voice displayed throughout the writing. It is nice to see female characters that can kick-ass. Even Em is proving to be a great character, not seeming helpless, despite her age, and actually having very important ideas. DeMalo is a very intriguing character. Two different sides of him were shown, and I am excited to see what will become of him. Based on the ending of the novel, I also am excited to see how Tommo is going to grow as a character. I'm thinking he is going to show a lot more of his emotions.

Speaking of emotions, I am an emotional reader. I am not too proud to admit it. When it comes to reality, I am more of a save-it-for-your-bedroom kind of girl. However, something about books and movies just get me. I cry at so many of them. This is why I wanted to give fair warning that Rebel Heart may leave you a little bit emotionally confused. Or overwhelmed. Or both.

Rebel Heart is action-packed, entertaining, and stunning. A definite must-read.

***Spoiler Alert from this point down. If you have yet to read Rebel Heart or Blood Red Road, please STOP reading this and go read them instead!***

A few things I just want to point out, since I feel the overwhelming need to talk about them.

I feel that Rebel Heart was a bit more dramatic than Blood Red Road was...not entirely sure if "dramatic" is the right word, but you might have an idea on what I mean. I think the majority of it involves DeMalo.

First of all, I am not against the fact that Saba went with another man. She thought that Jack had betrayed her, and was having a pretty emotional time. The whole romance with DeMalo did happen a bit quickly, but hey, I get it. I really hope that Saba isn't pregnant though. I feel that is an unnecessary addition that would just take away from the plot. Sure, it happens. But that storyline just happens a bit too much.

Like I briefly mentioned before, I am really excited to see what will come of Tommo. He has been shown as kind of helpless before, even though he isn't. He is deaf, not useless. I am thinking that we will get to see a lot more of his character in the future, and it was awesome to here his point of view at the end, more heated than usual.

In short, waiting for the third book is going to be terrible.

Tuesday, April 23, 2013

Why I Read

When thinking of what you look for in a novel, there are many things that can come to mind.

Of course, you probably want an interesting plot, brilliant characters, quote-able dialogue, and a conflict that keeps you at the edge of your seat.

Maybe you want a steamy romance, or lots of action, or something that will give you nightmares after you go to sleep at three in the morning since you stayed up all night to finish the book in the first place.

Sure, all of these things are great.

But are they the most important thing? The ultimate goal?

I don't think so.

I am going to pull a challenge question here, and ask... why do you read?

Um...because it is what I do? Why do you breathe? Why do you eat? That's why I read, to stay alive.

Yeah, that is something that I would probably say. But I think there is another answer that probably answers the question a lot more than that response does. 

I read to escape.

I read to escape reality, to escape all my problems, to escape myself.

I read to be able to take all the things that I don't want to deal with, all the average and the ordinary, and push them aside. I read to be able to become someone else, to feel for other people. To have the character's problems instead of my own.

I read to go on an adventure. To do the impossible. I read to be extraordinary.

I don't read to be alive.

No, I read to live.

So, maybe I do judge a book on all those little things. That plot development, those characters. The grammar and the diction choice and how realistic the world created feels and whether or not there is flow in the sentences and hopefully avoiding the use of run on sentences like the one I am typing out right now.

But, really, all of that can be pushed aside. In the long run, does it really matter if there were a few grammar mistakes? If the plot was a little predictable? If the characters annoyed you a little bit?

If you were able to be transported into a different world... If those words were able to shoot right into your heart, getting you to feel something - anything... If you were able to just escape from reality and live so much more because this fiction is what exists and everything outside of it just doesn't matter... If you were able to live...

Then it wasn't a waste. It wasn't a failure. It was the closest thing to magic that this world has.

And that is why I read.

Review: Sever by Lauren DeStefano

Time is running out for Rhine in this conclusion to the New York Times bestselling Chemical Garden Trilogy.

With the clock ticking until the virus takes its toll, Rhine is desperate for answers. After enduring Vaughn’s worst, Rhine finds an unlikely ally in his brother, an eccentric inventor named Reed. She takes refuge in his dilapidated house, though the people she left behind refuse to stay in the past. While Gabriel haunts Rhine’s memories, Cecily is determined to be at Rhine’s side, even if Linden’s feelings are still caught between them.

Meanwhile, Rowan’s growing involvement in an underground resistance compels Rhine to reach him before he does something that cannot be undone. But what she discovers along the way has alarming implications for her future—and about the past her parents never had the chance to explain.

In this breathtaking conclusion to Lauren DeStefano’s Chemical Garden trilogy, everything Rhine knows to be true will be irrevocably shattered.

My Review:
I really haven't been reading this series for all that long, but for some reason I almost feel like I have grown with these characters. Okay, maybe not completely, but I have definitely seen them grow throughout the trilogy, and could not help myself from becoming attached to them. I have witnessed Rhine grow more sure of herself, as well as make powerful realizations. I have seen Cecily prove that she is not a fragile little girl like everyone thought. I watched Linden be able to stand up against his father. The characters in Wither, Fever and Sever really stuck with me, and dragged me into their world to the point where I cannot forget it, and that is super cool.

All in all, I was very pleased with Sever. I thought that it was a perfect conclusion to a brilliant series. I completely devoured it. Last thing I knew I came home from school, telling myself I'd read a couple chapters before studying, and now it is the night, and I am still in that after-novel daze, like I just woke up from a dream that I didn't want to end, and reality hardly seems real.

You may have heard readers claim that they are in a state of emotional turmoil after completing this novel. (Yeah, they were right.) You might not go spiraling into a dark depression, but I would highly recommend some nearby tissues. Maybe some dark chocolates? Funny pictures of cats?

Emotional anguish aside, I also feel the need to point out that the last chapter (as well as the rest of the book, I just mean the last chapter especially) was absolutely beautiful. Stunning. The ideas that were discussed involved a great theme, topics that we can all live by today - even if the virus is not present in our own world. I know I mentioned my love for the characters before, and their growth alone makes them seem like excellent role models. What they learn is basis for what is important for all of us to learn - to make us better people and allow to actually live life.

Given that this is the third book of a trilogy, I do not want to give away any of the plot, so I am just going to avoid that route altogether.

I have to say, I completely loved the series while it lasted, and I am completely content with the ending. (Except for one detail. Of course, it works with the story, and makes it even more hauntingly beautiful, but it makes me sad.)

If you are new to the Chemical Garden Trilogy, then you should definitely check out the first book of the series: Wither. (


Monday, April 22, 2013

Review: Life After Theft by Aprilynne Pike

Moving to a new high school sucks. Especially a rich-kid private school. With uniforms. But nothing is worse than finding out the first girl you meet is dead. And a klepto.

No one can see or hear Kimberlee except Jeff, so--in hopes of bringing an end to the snarkiest haunting in history--he agrees to help her complete her "unfinished business." But when the enmity between Kimberlee and Jeff's new crush, Sera, manages to continue posthumously, Jeff wonders if he's made the right choice.

Clash meets sass in this uproarious modern-day retelling of Baroness Orczy's The Scarlet Pimpernel

My Review: 
You know when you finish reading a book and this feeling washes over you that makes you feel like, you, as a person have changed? That you cannot help but look at the world a different way, now that you read it? That all of that is okay because you don't want to go back.

I love that feeling. And Life After Theft is one of those books.

I was lucky enough to receive an advanced copy of the novel, and I am so glad that I did. It is nothing less than stunning. The dialogue is entertaining, especially being Jeff and Kimberlee - characters that I found to be realistic, witty and enjoyable - but the themes that the novel conveys run much deeper than normal teen drama and angst.

This is a story that you can get into, and become a part of. Jeff is a very commendable narrator, and you can't help but like him more and more as you read on. I felt that Kimberlee was the same way. She might not have been perfect during her lifetime, but I thought that just made her more interesting of a character. Even if she was being - or had been - terrible, I found myself liking her more. Don't we all think or say things that make us feel terrible? I think that is part of who we are as humans, and none of us are better than Kimberlee. There was one thing she said that really got to me. I already put the novel on my bookshelf, so this won't be a direct quite, but it was about how everyone is acting, everyone is fake. I feel like that is the complete truth. I know it is not just me when I go out and put on a fake smile, when on the inside I want to do anything but. Sometimes I feel that I am only truly myself in moments like now - when I am alone in my room, forgetting about life and just letting myself be consumed by words - whether they are an author's or my own. I think the reason that I like Kimberlee and Jeff's characters is because they are so great to connect to. Sometimes, we feel like Jeff. We just want to do what is right, help out others. But other times, or maybe just so deep down we choose to ignore it, we are more like Kimberlee.

I feel like I went off a little bit there. What can I say? Life After Theft is a personal book, and I can't help but give it a personal review.

Considering I am posting this before the publishing date, I am going to refrain from giving anything away. But I will tell you this: if I were you, I would be counting down the days to April 30th on my calendar, because this is one book you don't want to miss.

Pike created a novel that is funny and clever enough to interest you from the beginning, and beautiful and haunting enough to stick with you after the end. Absolutely brilliant.

Sunday, April 21, 2013

Review: Days of Love and Blood by R.S. Carter


A post-apocalyptic zombie book for women.

Without the zombies.

Worse than zombies.

The Demon Virus spreads worldwide in a matter of days leaving nothing but a few uninfected people in its path along with disease-riddled survivors who possess homicidal tendencies.

Carson drives across the country, back to her parents’ farm, with her son Ronan to begin a new life in a post-apocalyptic world. There she discovers more uninfected people like herself and attempts to build new relationships after the devastating loss of her husband.

Two men distract Carson from her grief, each possessing different characteristics that she found, loved and needed in her husband. Cooper has a bad attitude but gives Carson the space she needs with his self-sufficient, independent ways. Ben panders after her but exhibits a kindness she appreciates. Neither of them embody all of which she lost in her husband’s death.

The need for human interaction intertwines with the daily struggle of tribulation, remorse and adjustment, revolving around the constant battles between the uninfected and the last remaining homicidal maniacs. Days of Love and Blood is a story which examines the bonds created between people in times of change with an unexpected shocking end that will have you questioning your own threshold for pain.

My Review:

I was lucky enough to get a copy of Days of Love and Blood so I can post a honest review, and I am going to do exactly that.

I was exceptionally pleased with this novel, and am fully satisfied now that I have completed it.

To begin with, the idea of the story is really cool. The zombie apocalypse seems to be the in-thing now (not that I am complaining) and Carter finds a new spin to put on this genre. A "Demon Virus" spread throughout the world, destroying the majority of the world's population, except for those who lack the certain gene that it affects (reason to get your genome coded, am I right?) If the Virus itself does not kill the victim (which it will, eventually), they will become a "homicidal" - still be able to speak and move, but losing all sense of remorse, and feeling the need to kill everyone not infected with the virus.

Which leads us to another great part of the novel, the excellent characters.

Our protagonist is Carson, a tough young mother who is trying to keep her son, Ronan, alive. I found Carson a realistic character, and pretty awesome. First of all, she kills the homicidals with her two swords. If that doesn't make one a BAMF, nothing does. She is clever, witty, and her love for her son is very inspirational.

After traveling alone with her son in an RV, Carson comes across a farm area that houses a group of survivors - including her childhood friend, Ivy, as well as Cooper. Cooper has problems with his anger, and can be impulsive, but he also proves to be very loving and entertaining. I thought that he was a great character.

All of the characters in Days of Love and Blood were well-crafted and believable. I thought the dialogue was very realistic, which is refreshing to see.

Another great thing about this novel is the psychological issues that are addressed within the story. Showing how people can cope with so much loss, and how this near end-of-the-world situation affects personalities. I also really enjoyed the idea of questioning what is right and what is wrong, especially on the topic of killing. That is something that I like to address in my own writing, and it is always cool to see it in the works of others. I was blown away by how perfect Carson's character grew and responded to this topic.

R.S. Carter combines the well-developed plot and characters with realistic, well-written narrative writing to craft a truly amazing tale.

If you are looking for a great read for a wide variety of tastes and ages that will keep you reading at the edge of your seat, I would highly recommend Days of Love and Blood.

Saturday, April 20, 2013

Review: Enchantment's Deception by Amber Averay

Synopsis: Above a planet called Bartral, two alien races battle; but unbeknown to them, a witch on Zircondia watches and listens. This witch is Sigrid, a notorious troublemaker by reputation. Sigrid has long heard old stories regarding her fellow witches vanishing, never to be seen again; She decides to look deeper and finds that not all is as it should be; witches are still disappearing. In trying to protect her two older siblings from the repercussions of shattered rules she will break in her pursuit of the truth, something unforeseen happens that could bring down the wrath of the Stone Head Elders and keep the three close siblings apart forever... 

Enchantment's Deception is a novel that begins with two different stories, that seem mostly unrelated. (Though, I promise, they do connect well.)

Plot A, which is the main plot of the story, involves Sigrid Medusa, a witch who lives on the planet of Zircondia - a place of magic that is the home of everything we believe to be mythical, from elves, trolls, unicorns to dragons and minotaurs. Sigrid is a troublemaker, who loves to go against the rules of her Elders and be her own person - which is very admirable. Although she does not know why, Sigrid is victim to very vivid visions (ooh, check out that alliteration) of a battle in space, which brings us to

Plot B, the galactic battle between the "Red Aliens" and the "Blue Aliens". Very early on we are introduced to Boston, a member of the Blue Aliens who has a very intriguing personality. As a reader, you are very eager to see how this alien war connects to Sigrid, which is a great way to jump start the interest in the novel. However, this plot, although well-written, is not exactly my cup of tea. Whenever I hear of aliens with "tentacles", it slightly turns me off. (Why does everyone seem to insist that extraterrestrial life would either look exactly like humans or be part octopus?) Still, I did not let this cloud my judgement, because as I said before, I found the novel to be interesting and well written.

The more that I read of Enchantment's Deception, the more that I opened up to it and thoroughly enjoyed the read.

Some things that I really liked:

1) The Characters: I thought that many of the characters were extremely realistic and easy to connect to. I can't think of one character that I did not enjoy. Sigrid is a wonderful protagonist, and an inspiration. I loved that she has an internal battle with good and evil, and good doesn't always win. (That fight is not something you see in female characters too much anymore.) Another one of my favorites was Pendle, the dragon. If anything, I wish I could have seen more of him.

2) The Themes: Enchantment's Deception had some absolutely excellent themes. Through Sigrid's character alone, it is demonstrated that one should always stay true to themselves, no matter what expectations are placed on them by others. That, sometimes, you have to stop asking for permission and act for yourself. The sexism and discrimination on Zircondia also brought up very important topics. I especially liked the major themes developed toward the end of the novel, but I will refrain from going into those, as I do not want to ruin anything.

3) The Mystery Aspect: I have to say, there were quite a few turns in the plot that I did not see coming. One could not say that this novel was entirely predictable, and that is refreshing. It really kept you reading, which is why I am typing this out instead of getting ready for bed.

4)The Translations: This is just a little note, but it is fair to mention that I enjoyed the footnote translations. Considering I read this as an ebook, it really saved my time and anguish not having to go to the end and look for a glossary!

Really, there was only one disappointment that I had. Because the plot was so unique, interesting, and had a lot going on, there are certain parts that I felt the reader does not see enough of, or wrapped a little too quickly. Certain topics I felt a bit unsatisfied on. Of course, this is not exactly a bad thing! It just means that I liked the characters and story enough to want to see more!

All in all, I believe that Averay did an excellent job with the novel, and fans of fantasy and/or science fiction will find a great story they can thoroughly enjoy!

Review: Poison Princess by Kresley Cole

Goodreads Summary: #1 New York Times bestselling author Kresley Cole introduces The Arcana Chronicles, post-apocalyptic tales filled with riveting action, the dark mysticism of Tarot cards, and breathtaking romance.

She could save the world—or destroy it.

Sixteen year old Evangeline “Evie” Greene leads a charmed life, until she begins experiencing horrifying hallucinations. When an apocalyptic event decimates her Louisiana hometown, Evie realizes her hallucinations were actually visions of the future—and they’re still happening. Fighting for her life and desperate for answers, she must turn to her wrong-side-of-the-bayou classmate: Jack Deveaux.

But she can’t do either alone.

With his mile-long rap sheet, wicked grin, and bad attitude, Jack is like no boy Evie has ever known. Even though he once scorned her and everything she represented, he agrees to protect Evie on her quest. She knows she can’t totally depend on Jack. If he ever cast that wicked grin her way, could she possibly resist him?

Who can Evie trust?

As Jack and Evie race to find the source of her visions, they meet others who have gotten the same call. An ancient prophesy is being played out, and Evie is not the only one with special powers. A group of twenty-two teens has been chosen to reenact the ultimate battle between good and evil. But it’s not always clear who is on which side…

My review:

Okay, based on the title of the book, I thought this was going to be a terrible, cliche, YA failure. Now, this is going to be one of the very few times I will ever admit it, but I was completely wrong.

I just blew off everything I had to do after returning from school so I could devour this book and I was completely blown away. I thought it was a truly amazing piece of work, for many reasons.

1) Evie. She is a very complex and interesting character. She is not perfect, in the beginning she seems to be pretty shallow, but that just makes her seem even more real. She is a heroine without always having been a heroine, and those are the kind that I like the most. At first, she did seem pretty useless, but she truly showed to everyone how she is strong and powerful. It was great character development.

2) Jack. Okay, okay, the girls always need that foxy male character to swoon over, and Jack definitely takes that role. He is the best kind of bad boy. Yeah, he kicks ass, has a great body, a signature smirk, the best comments, and all that other bad-boy-esque-stuff. However, there is a lot more to him. His story, his feelings, the way that he speaks. Wonderful. Not to mention, I really enjoyed the relationship between Evie and him. They didn't just completely fall for each other all at once. The love/hate relationship at first made it even more interesting to read. (I know that a lot of readers were pissed off because he was a bit of a jerk sometimes? I see where you are coming from, but it didn't really bother me.

3) The plot: maybe I am mistaken, but I don't recall reading a story like this one before. Sure, sure, post-apocalyptic trends are there, but hey - the baseline to many stories are the same. This story is clever, and new, and interesting, and that is so refreshing. (Even if it isn't completely original, at least it has enough parts that seem original. After all, what plot really hasn't been seen before in some way?)

4) The writing: it was written well. That was a very pleasant surprise. I never got bored, and was interested the entire time I read. Even when I probably should have started on my AP Chemistry homework, or practice the songs I'm working on, I couldn't put it down! The pacing was great, and it had a good amount of action.

As far as I can see, the biggest problem is I will probably have to wait a very long time for the sequel. The bane to a reader's existence...

Review: Broken Faith by Brandy Nacole

I have another review to post, for a paranormal romance that I read recently, and as stated in the title, is:

Broken Faith by Brandy Nacole

Because I want to be fair and in-biased when I let you know what you are getting into, here is the Goodreads synopsis of the novel:

"Kayson is a Fallen Angel who has spent decades running from the Hell Hounds while searching for something that no one else believes can be so, not even God. Kayson is determined to find a Blood Child. But when a hound finds Kayson first, he is sure his end has come.
Falon, Alpha of the Hell Hounds, destroyer of the blood children, and devoted believer in his master’s plan, is bound and determined to drag Kayson back to Hell with him.
Sabrina is a Vampire, a half-breed created from one of Lucifer’s original blood children. After years of hiding, Sabrina’s fate changes when she finds Kayson barely alive. Against her instincts, Sabrina saves him. Now she and Kayson are both marked by the Hell Hounds.
Emma is an ordinary human, whose only problem is making ends meet, and getting over the hurt caused by her untrustworthy brother. Her everyday problems become supernatural ones when she finds Kayson and Sabrina hiding in her parent’s backyard shed.

Kayson, Sabrina and Emma are unlikely allies, thrown together by chance to fight against the most powerful creatures of the underworld in order to follow their world-changing quest. But will the broken faith of one break the faith of all?"

Now, for the review that I actually typed out:

I was lucky enough to receive an ARC of this novel, and I completely devoured it. Seriously. Like refusing-to-get-up-from-my-chair-even-if-I-want-food-and-good-movies-are-on-TV kind of devouring.

The plot alone is great. Broken Faith is not one of those countless "sexy fallen angel and human girl romance". Okay, it does involve a sexy fallen angel, but there is a lot more to the story. Nacole is able to incorporate all kinds of supernatural creatures, tying them in together quite brilliantly.

(Speaking of Supernatural, fans of the TV show will definitely enjoy this book.)

Another great aspect of the story were thee characters. All of them were realistic. Extra props to Nacole for being able to craft female characters that have a backbone, think about things other than guys, and do not annoy. Speaking as a reader, the characters were very easy to connect to. Speaking as an actor, they would be killer to portray.

I definitely do not want to give anything away, but I would definitely recommend Broken Faith to anyone. It is fast paced, well-written, above interesting, and I am not too ashamed to say that it pulled at the heartstrings enough to get me tearing up.

The best part is, this is part of a series. I absolutely cannot wait for more!

Friday, April 19, 2013

Review: Unhinged by Tempest Avery

Let's kick things off with a book review, shall we? To make it even better, let's kick things off with a review of a book I actually enjoyed. Exciting!

Without further ado, I give you:

Goodreads Summary: Spencer Perry lost everything the day her boyfriend died. Even when he came back as a ghost, she was never able to return to her old self. Determined to find a way to bring both of them back--him from the dead and her from her depression--Spencer hops a ride with a Reaper across the river to the Underworld where she meets the god of the dead. Hadrian isn't what she expected Hades to be like, but when he agrees to a deal that can get her Micah back, she puts all caution aside and accepts. Too bad she didn't realize that she'd also just accepted a lot more than one gorgeous yet frustrating god. Bad things are happening all around her, and now she not only has to worry about keeping Micah's ghost status a secret from their friends, but also figure out who's behind all of the accidents. All signs point towards Hadrian, but something about that just doesn't feel right to her. Something that she hopes has nothing to do with her growing attraction towards him.

Now, if that doesn't sound interesting, I don't know what does.

Unhinged was everything that I could have asked for. Beautifully written, unique, and holding a plot that keeps you interested the entire time, it is hard to put down. (I would know, because I hardly did.)

Having the story intertwined with mythology was definitely something refreshing to see, especially for those of us who are fans of both the gods and young adult fiction.

Also, Avery creates realistic and interesting characters that you really can connect through without the story. It isn't easy to find well-crafted female protagonists in YA novels, but Spencer Perry is funny, witty and real.

Not to mention, you know that the author did a good job with characters when they get you to fall in love with the God of the Underworld. (Which I also give props to. I am a major fan of questioning the balance of good and evil and what we know as both of those terms, which is done elegantly through Hadrian's character.)

Normally, I am not a huge fan of the love V, in which the heroine has to choose between two possible love interests, but Unhinged uses that plot well. Okay, so maybe I am already one-hundred percent sold on which guy I would choose, (Hadrian, in case that wasn't clear) the conflict created by this decision definitely adds to the story.

All in all, Unhinged shot down my waning expectations of YA paranormal romance and set the bar very high. It was a pleasure to read, and completely worth all the procrastination it had caused me to do. I would highly recommend it to anyone looking for an excellent read, especially if you have an interest in the ideas of afterlife/mythology/attractive gods, like I so clearly do.

If you want to be left satisfied, but also angrily wanting more, then read Unhinged. If you don't, read Unhinged anyway, because you clearly don't know what you want.


I've never been very good at describing myself, so how about we skip that whole part and call it a day? Sound good? Good.

Basically, I have an obsession with words. Whether they be strung together in a quote, spoken aloud, created as my fingers dance across the keyboard...I love it all.

I especially love them in the form of YA fiction.

A big portion of my life is reading Young Adult fiction, and even when I long pass my young adult years, I doubt that is going to change. Many people look to me for suggestions on which ones to read, and I have been telling myself that I am going to start writing more reviews. This, of course, is why I wanted to create this page. So I can share my love of YA with others, have a bigger excuse to read all the time, and meet other YA-crazed lovelies who can connect and understand with my obsession.

I definitely want other people to become part of this blog, so if anyone is interested in doing a guest review, doing a book club book, reading challenges, or even just discussing musical theatre, Sherlock, Doctor Who or Supernatural with me, feel free to let me know. I don't bite.

Anyway, this should be a lot of fun, and hopefully we'll all be able to find new books we can fall in love with!